The Robbins Museum - home of Massachusetts Archaeology - has an excellent 'Walk thru Time' series of displays showcasing artifacts representing the variations of primarily stone tools across the millennia. It is truly fascinating to see the progression of the projectile point forms and materials and to wonder at the people who relied on these to live. Thankfully they found a way as we are all descendants of these ancient lineages.
Take the opportunity to visit the Robbins on Saturdays from 10 to 2 p.m. to 'Time Travel' back in history. Be sure to bring your imagination and your questions. The Docents will be happy to share their knowledge. It's not unusual for visitors to bring in a 'possible' artifact they've found for the staff to review and comment on. When it's a projectile point, comparison to Jeff Boudreau's Typology book - The definitive guide for New England Projectile Points - will help identify the antiquity of the piece. They are often thousands of years old.
Our Middleboro Rotary will be holding an Archaeology evening at the Fireside after the New Year. A hands-on session with many stone tools to examine and marvel over. Including examples of Axes, Adze, Mullers, Scrapers, Pestles, Hammer stones, etc. and, of course, Projectile points. Plan on attending to learn how these tools were made and used, what animals were hunted, and how. We'll travel through the haze of time back 20,000 years and possibly older. We'll post an invite to the community as we get closer.