The Middleboro Rotarians, their family and friends were hosted by Brockton Rotarians the Iolli’s of Lakeville for our annual Yankee Swap. The purpose of the gathering is to enjoy the camaraderie of such a great group, the excellent food & conversation and to ‘gift’ the most egregious and/or funny wrapped present to the ‘lucky’ recipient! The laughter was real and frequent. Of course, once unwrapped and examined, that person had the option of keeping the gift or swapping it with another previously displayed. Some years ago the most memorable ‘gift’ opened was a live chicken! That theme has been carried forward each year since in the form of a rubber chicken! The recipient of that 'honor' at the end has the responsibility to assure it finds its way under the tree again, next year.
Left to Right in group photo: Albert Mui, Johnathon Mui, Mimi Duphily, Willy Duphily, Ron Schmidt, Bob Saquet, Matt Bruce, Peter Regas, Karen Regas, Cherie Kostant, Quack, Penny Quackenbush, Karen Iolli, Gino Iolli; kneeling - Kevin Schmidt, Steve Quevillon and Qaiden Gordon - Quack's grandson. Not shown - Larry Kostant taking the photo.
Our sincere Thanks to Karen and Gino for hosting this wonderful evening. Their graciousness and the resulting camaraderie was exactly what you'd expect among Rotarians!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to All!