While on vacation recently, our cruise made a stop in Tortola. It was a pleasant surprise to see a vibrant and active Rotary Club - I only wish our stop had been on a meeting day so I could've visited them to learn more about their projects. In the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park there were two peace poles in a beautiful peace garden, a podium on the bandstand with the Rotary logo, and just across the way they had several posters and an electronic billboard for advertising revenue. Hopefully I'll be able to visit again, Tortola was wonderful.
Rotary Collaboration in our Wider Community - Lasagna Love Event with Rotary Club of Bourne-Sandwich

Watch this space for further details, including a link to our auction website and a more complete schedule

Left to Right in group photo: Albert Mui, Johnathon Mui, Mimi Duphily, Willy Duphily, Ron Schmidt, Bob Saquet, Matt Bruce, Peter Regas, Karen Regas, Cherie Kostant, Quack, Penny Quackenbush, Karen Iolli, Gino Iolli; kneeling - Kevin Schmidt, Steve Quevillon and Qaiden Gordon - Quack's grandson. Not shown - Larry Kostant taking the photo.

(Group photo - L to R ... Quack, Pen, Nicole, Lucas, Steve & Mike)

Because our 1.2 million members see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Here are six reasons to donate to Rotary...

Have you ever wanted to learn more about how we use our Charitable and Educational Foundation funds? The RAYEs program (Rotary Advancing Youth in Education) is a shining example of Rotary in action and a beneficiary of funding by our Rotary club. Check out this excerpt from an interview with Derek Thompson, Principal of the Henry B. Burkland Elementary School, hosted by our very own Matthew Bruce, past President of the Middleboro Rotary Club.
Click HERE to see the full interview.

We added seasonal touches last fall -- cornstalks & pumpkins - and followed that up with a large snowman for the winter. So this Spring week on May 1st we gathered there as a group, tools in hand and with many flowers and plenty of mulch and set to work
Special thanks to Heather, a nearby neighbor, who also brought plants and her helping hands. And, since it takes a Village, special thanks also to the couple walking by who stopped to inquire of our efforts and then offered their assistance and pitched right in! That's what it's all about!!
We hope to have more Middleboro citizens join us for our next round coming soon. Check us out here and on Facebook, or just Ask Quack!!!

The Networking Group USA and the Cranberry Country Chamber are hosting a fund-raiser to benefit the family of fire victim Jasmine Lane at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 at Loon Pond Lodge, 28 Precinct St., Lakeville.
Monetary donations of any amount will be accepted. Those donating $1,000 or more will be recognized at the event and on social media.
Tickets are $25 at the door. The event features live music, cash bar, food, raffles and a silent auction.
All costs are covered, so all proceeds will benefit the family.
For more information, contact brendon@cstonefinancial.com or pdziura@cranberrycountry.org
THANK YOU for helping make the Rotary Club of Middleboro’s 35th Annual Auction a big success!!
Thank you to our auction sponsors – WPLM Easy 99.1 FM, Grants Rental, Fat Cousins and Williams Trading Post – for helping us support the Middleboro and surrounding communities and enabling us to continue to engage in local projects as well as support other local non-profit agencies and Rotary International’s worldwide programs.
THANK YOU to all of the donors and bidders, without you this auction would not have been possible.
And CONGRATULATIONS to all the winning bidders! If you haven’t already, you can log into your account on the auction website and pay for your items before arranging to collect them. Winners can collect your items by contacting our Auction Co-Chair, Robert Saquet, at Egger’s Furniture – the phone number is (508) 947-0680 and they are located at 177 Center Street in downtown Middleboro.
Any questions can be emailed to us at middlebororotaryauction@gmail.com.

Here is a link to our auction website: https://new.biddingowl.com/middlebororotary. We are in the process of adding items so there's not much there now, but there will be more in the coming weeks!

On January 31st instead of our regular meeting we all gathered at Soule Homestead where they graciously loaned us their kitchen so we could make lasagnas for Lasagna Love. This is such a wonderful organization - borne out of love and kindness at the height of COVID, it resonates with people so much it has transformed into an international movement of kindness, impacting thousands of volunteers and recipient families each week. We couldn't be more excited to volunteer with this amazing organization...

Missy brought us some good points about what motivates people to join Rotary...

Change your community with us by volunteering on a local project.

We work with groups and organizations of all sizes to accomplish even more.

Discover and celebrate diverse perspectives with a global organization.